Saturday, December 28, 2013

Jason泉6:39 AM 0 comments

1. 孕前两个月夫妻吃燕窝,极大提高受精卵活力
2. 怀孕12周以内,增强胎儿体能,避免妈妈妊娠纹
3. 怀孕13-27周,帮助胎儿大脑出发育,提高智力
4. 怀孕28-40周,给生产供强大体能供给
5. 产后10个月,紧致皮肤恢复身材,提高奶水蛋白含量

【Five Step Edible Bird's Nest Benefits For Pregnant Women】
1. Two months before pregnant, couple eats bird's nest, can greatly improve the vitality of the fertilized egg
2. Less than 12 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus can enhance physical fitness, and prevent mom's stretch marks
3. 13-27 weeks of pregnancy, help the fetal brain to development and improve intelligence
4. 28-40 weeks of pregnancy, powerful physical supply for the production
5. Postpartum 10 months, firming skin to restore the body, and to improve breast milk protein

Jason泉12:06 AM 0 comments

【燕窝处理】 100%纯手工清洗,绝无涂胶汁,绝无漂白剂,绝无染色素,绝无太阳晒干,绝无使用烘烤机,绝无诈骗,绝无偷工减料,绝无假燕。 【Bird's Nest Process】 100% hand washed, no glue, no bleach, no colouring, not dry under the sun, no toasting, no cheating, all genuine ingredient and no fake material

Friday, December 27, 2013

Jason泉3:37 AM 0 comments

- 這款燕窩的盞型較大 
- 燕盞外型大而整齊,呈半碗形狀 
- 精挑細選的燕盞,燕角比一般燕盞細小,為食家最愛 
- 白燕中最頂級,不論盞型、大小均屬最上品 
- 色澤米白天然 
- 燕窩燉後有清香蛋白味
- 口感腍滑

【Bird's Nest】
-This type of bird's nest is bigger in size
-Bird's nest bowl has a bigger and neater appearance with a half bowl shape
-Specially selected bird's nest bowl, others kind of bird's nest is smaller, is best liked by the gourmet
-White swallow is the best grade, regardless of bowl shape, sizes
-It has a natural white colour
-When double boiled, it has a soothing egg white taste
-Smooth and tender

Jason泉3:36 AM 0 comments

- 成窩形 
- 燕條更多 
- 燕餅比較乾淨,方便不想揀毛之人士 
- 口感爽滑 
- 發頭好 
- 產自馬來西亞屋燕

【Bird's Nest】
-Shaped of a nest
-More stripes of swallow secretion
-Bird's nest is cleaner and convenient for those who does not like to pluck the feather from the impurity ones
-Smooth and tender
-Product of Malaysia swallow house

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Jason泉10:57 PM 0 comments


【Bird's Nest Process】
Manually collected from the swallow house, clean environment, harvesting is only carried out after the chicks had fully grown and left their nests. Due to the good environmental condition, fewer impurities and feathers are found in the bird's nest, relatively clean, it has a more completed shape of a ship Approach does not damage the ecological environment.

Jason泉8:51 AM 0 comments


【Bird's Nest Advantage】
From inner to outer, it shines ray of health.There is one thing in this world, taken from nature, eaten as nature,
It benefits all who ate it!

Jason泉5:45 AM 0 comments

燕兒将燕巢筑在人们提供的屋子里,屋顶用木材建造,室内环境依照天然山东气温,光线及干湿度建筑而成。平均温度为 28°C - 30°C , 湿度约 89% - 90%。燕儿早上飞离燕屋到野外寻食至黄昏时分才回到燕屋喂养小宝宝,这里是燕兒幼时的住所。

【House Swallow】
Swallows built their nests in the house provided by man, the ceiling is made of wood, the room temperature was set to mimic the natural Shandong weather, constructed with the same lighting and humidity. Average temperature is 28°C - 30°C, humidity around 89% - 90%. Swallows fly out in the morning to find food and return in the evening to feed their chicks. This is the sanctuary for the swallow chicks.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Jason泉7:28 AM 0 comments


【Bird's Nest】
-Bird's nest "bowl" is big and neat with the appearance of a half bowl shape and the colour is natural.
-The average length is about 7cm.
-The average height is about 4.5cm.
-Water content is about 12%~15%.
-When soak in water, it will expand to about 5 to 6 times is original size.
-Further simmer for about 60 to 90 minutes, 
stew for about 30 to 45 minutes and a delicious well balance nutritious bird's nest soup is really for serving.

Jason泉7:27 AM 0 comments


【Bird's Nest】
-With the right proportion of bird's nest crumb and bird's nest strips, it is pressed into shape that is made for merchandise.
-Guarantee 100% natural bird's nest.
-Water content about 12% to 15%.
-Soak in water and it will expand about 4 to 6 times it's original size.
-Further simmer for about 60 to 90 minutes,
stewing for about 30 minutes and you can enjoy a wonderful goodness of natural bird's nest soup.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

【星洲日报 - 2013年3月10日 (星期日)】
Jason泉6:29 AM 0 comments

【星洲日报 - 2013年3月10日 (星期日)】

【Sin Chew Daily - 2013 MARCH 10 (SUNDAY)】
100% pure hand washing, no glue, no bleach, no coloring,
Interested to buy bird's nest friend can contact me.