Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Jason泉7:25 PM 0 comments

Jason Bird's nest wish you happy and prosperity throughout the year. Gong Xi Fa Cai & Happy Chinese New Year.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

【新年送礼大优惠 - 买二送一个韩国24小时保温壶】
Jason泉7:55 AM 0 comments

【新年送礼大优惠 - 买二送一个韩国24小时保温壶】

【CNY Big Promotion - Buy 2 Free 1 Korea S/S Bottle】
New Year's headache did not know what to buy for your family?
Now promotion buy any 2 box FREE 1 big price worth RM200+!!
Newspapers have been to ensure cheaper than outside and have a certificate! ! PM Me ~

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Jason泉6:40 PM 0 comments

三角盏的形成是因为一些体弱的金丝燕 或者年老的金丝燕在做窝的时候没法在直的木梁上做,所6A燕窝丝网以选择燕屋里木条和木条的交接处 也就是三角的地方做窝,所以一般来讲三角盏是燕盏中品质较低的品,营养含量不及正规形状的船盏的营养好。目前淘宝上很多商家卖的低价燕盏都是三角盏,各位买家慎重选择

【Definition Of "Boat Cup" And "Triangle Cup"】 
Triangular cup is formed because some frail or elderly swift lets cannot build nest on a straight wooden beams, the 6A bird nest use the cross junction of the wood beams in the swallow house to build nest, so generally speaking triangular cup is lower quality product, nutritional content is lesser than regular cup in the shape of the boat. Currently many sellers in Taobao are selling low-priced nest cup which is the triangle cups, all buyers are advised to be careful when buying.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Jason泉6:02 AM 0 comments


【Authenticity And Quality Of Natural Bird's Nest】
Natural bird's nest is always the best quality bird's nest. Some unscrupulous traders will gel coat the bird's nest with egg white in order to increase its weight. This kind of bird nest when see under light will significantly be in opaque state. The real bird's nest cup will be translucent under the light. As for those fake bird's nest using "Malay Glue" or "Pig Skin", the former has sour taste and without strip, the latter after which it soaks in the water, there will be grease floating on the surface of the water and the water becomes milky.
For good or bad grades, in a nutshell, better quality bird's nest is certainly has higher nutritional value, fat head larger than the neat appearance beautiful, poor quality and lower grade bird's nest, definitely has lower level of nutrition, its appearance is not as promising as the genuine bird's nest

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Jason泉5:29 AM 0 comments













Friday, January 3, 2014

Jason泉9:23 AM 0 comments


【Introduction To The Difference】
Bird's nest is made from Swallow's saliva, basically swallow from the Apodidae and Swiftlet family, their saliva condenses and formed the nest. In a nutshell: there are about 90 kinds of swallow, not all of the swallows nests can be eaten. Those under the eaves which use branches, grass and mud to build nests are absolutely not for consumption. Edible nests are from swiftlet which use its saliva to build their nests.